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Take the highway! Accelerating examination of patent applications in Brazil.

  • 03 February 2021
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 11 Feb 2021
  • time
    Event starts at: 11:00 am - America/Sao_Paulo
  • time
    Event ends at: 12:00 pm - America/Sao_Paulo
  • place

    Online, Free webinar.

  • speaker
    Speakers: Claudio Castanheira , Diego Boschetti Musskopf , Pedro Dias

The Brazilian PTO is striving to overcome the backlog of patent applications so as to reduce the time to issue a Letters-Patent. On the other hand, there are several mechanisms available at the Brazilian PTO to expedite the examination of patent applications.

The goal of the webinar is to provide an overview of the mechanisms available to expedite examination of patent applications in Brazil, focusing on the new phase of the PPH; green patents and technology available in the market.



Diego Boschetti Musskopf
Deputy Head
Special Affairs Service (SAESP) – Brazilian PTO

Architect and Urbanist (UFRGS / FAU / 2004), Master in Civil Engineering in the area of ​​More Sustainable Constructions (UFRGS / NORIE / 2007), Doctor of Public Policy in the area of ​​Innovation, Industrial Property and Development (UFRJ / IE / 2017 ), Specialist in Contemporary Public Management in the area of ​​Business Process Management (UFRGS / CEAPC / 2019). Substitute Head of the Special Affairs Service (SAESP) and Manager of the Priority Procedure Task Force.


Pedro Dias
Consultant Technical Services
ClarkeModet Brazil

Professional experience of 3 years in the area of Industrial and Intellectual Property. Specialization as an engineer in Patents and Industrial Designs in the areas of mechanics, electronics and telecommunications.

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from UNESA



Claudio Castanheira
General Manager
ClarkeModet Brazil

During his doctorate developed projects that allowed him to acquire knowledge of patentability processes and requirements in Europe, producing a patent application for his own invention. He has extensive professional experience in strategic and operational consultancy in highly recognized companies. It stands out for its 7 years of professional experience in McKinsey, in particular in the practice of Oil & Gas and Climate Change. Before taking over the General Management of ClarkeModet Brasil, he was part of the strategic consulting team\’s leadership at Schlumberger and supported the company\’s Shared Services Model Transformation program on a global level.


Telecommunications Engineer with a Master\’s Degree in Telecommunications Systems from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. PhD in Electronic Engineering from University College London.

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Take the highway! Accelerating examination of patent applications in Brazil.Take the highway! Accelerating examination of patent applications in Brazil.