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International IP Trends

  • 11 January 2019
  • Event
  • date
    Event date: 31 Jan 2019
  • time
    Event starts at: 4:30 pm - UTC+0
  • time
    Event ends at: 6:30 pm - UTC+0
  • place

    Technische Universität München
    Vorhoelzer Forum
    Room 5170, 5th. Floor, Südterrasse, Institutsbau, Arcisstr. 21,  München

  • speaker
    Speakers: Paola Rúa , Clara Pombo

Considering the global scenario, we have brought together a group of IP professionals to discuss with you some of the critical topics concerning the world of Intellectual Property as well as the latest key trends happening over the last years on a global scale and their implications on the patent systems.


16:30 h. Opening remarks

  • PPH – An overview of relevant developments at the EPO
    Speaker: Panagiotis Rigopoulos, Lawyer European & International Legal Affairs PCT-European Patent Office

17:00 h. New Global Developments and Key Patent Trends
Moderator: Clara Pombo, Corporate Director IP Strategy, Clarke, Modet & Cº

  • Latin America. Speaker: Paola Rua, IP Consultant, Clarke, Modet & Cº
  • China. Speaker: Junfeng Tian, Partner/Patent Attorney, Unitalen Consulting Service GmbH
  • US. Speaker: Eric Arnell, Associate Partner, Leydig

18:30 h. New Developments UPC / Brexit

  • Speaker: Dr. Ing. Sophie Ertl. Partner, European Patent Attorney, Maiwald

19:00 h. Cocktail


International IP Trends


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International IP TrendsInternational IP Trends