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International Trademark & LATAM- The new Horizon

  • 07 December 2020
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 16 Dec 2020
  • time
    Event starts at: 12:00 pm - America/Sao_Paulo
  • time
    Event ends at: 1:00 pm - America/Sao_Paulo
  • place

    Online. Free Webinar

  • speaker
    Speakers: Carolina Daza , Tanya Escamilla , Stefan Edhammer , Ricardo Boclin , José Graça Aranha

The accession of Brazil in 2019 to the International Trademark System, together with other Latin American countries already incorporated, as: Cuba, Colombia and Mexico, has been a turning point in terms of trademark strategies focused in Latam countries. For the first time, it is possible to cover more than a half of the countries of the region and GBD through this system.

In the first anniversary of Brazil as a member of the International Trademark System, in this webinar we will make a quick overview of how the prosecution strategy in Latin America has evolved and which countries specific considerations should be kept in mind in order to take advantage of this new era in Latin America´s trademark prosecution.


• WIPO focus on Latam

• International Trademark Agreement performance in:

  • Brazil – Evolution since the country´s accession in 2019 and the evolving development in the near future
  • Colombia – ¿Any link with the Andean Community? (Special 20th anniversary of the Decision 486)
  • Mexico –News since the entry to force of the New IP Law last November 5th

• Designating Brazil, Colombia and México in an International Trademark Application – Best practices.



José Graça Aranha
Regional Director

WIPO– World Intellectual Property Organization


Ricardo Boclin
Technical and Legal Services Manager

ClarkeModet Brasil


Stefan Edhammer
Prosecution Manager

ClarkeModet España


José Miguel Mena
Legal Services Manager

ClarkeModet Mexico


Carolina Daza

Technical and Legal Services Manager

ClarkeModet Colombia

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International Trademark & LATAM- The new HorizonInternational Trademark & LATAM- The new Horizon