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IP BREXIT: What will its impact be?

  • 26 March 2019
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 28 Mar 2019
  • time
    Event starts at: 4:00 pm - Europe/Madrid
  • time
    Event ends at: 4:30 pm - Europe/Madrid
  • place


  • speaker
    Speakers: Gabriel Marín

March 29, 2019 is the deadline from which the United Kingdom would abandon the European Union, a situation of undeniable repercussions in the field of intellectual property rights protected at the E.U level.

The scenario of “Withdrawal agreement” was rejected on January 15 by House of Commons imposing thereafter expectations about a “hard Brexit” that, however, does not abandon the plans of the Government of the United Kingdom to establish a framework of continuous recognition of rights already registered through an automatic recognition of protection under British law.

The objective of this webinar is to briefly review the possible solutions as of March 28, 2019 and analyse in particular the impact of the most probable scenarios a few days before the deadline in relation to trademarks, designs, patents and copyright, as well as our recommendations to rights holders.

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IP BREXIT: What will its impact be?IP BREXIT: What will its impact be?