13:30 Registration

14:00 Official Opening

14:10 Patent Strategy in Latin America: Prosecution in Latin America – Tips and recommended strategy – Spotlight: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Chile & Andean Community

Mr. Rafael Freire, Clarke, Modet & Cº Brazil

  • Key patent protection issues
  • Patent Prosecution. Best practice to accelerate granting of patents
  • Patent Protection in Latin America: Mechanical, Electric, Electronic and Telecommunications Patents (software) & Pharma and Bio Patents – Case Studies
  • Q & A

15:10 Coffee

15:30 Patent Strategy in Latin America: Enforcement in Latin America – Tips and recommended strategy – Spotlight: Brazil, Mexico & other major cases in Latin America

Ms. Clara Pombo LL.M., Attorney at Law Corporate Director Clarke, Modet & Cº

  • Key patent enforcement issues
  • Patent enforcement. Best practice
  • Patent enforcement in Latin America: Bolar exclusion –  Equivalent Law – Case Studies
  • Q & A

16:30 Expanding Brands into Latin America – Efficient and Cost-effective Prosecution and Enforcement Strategies

Mr. Manuel Acevedo, Clarke, Modet & Cº Spain

  • Prosecution: Main challenges and recommendations
  • Enforcement: Why it is worth protecting trademarks in Latin America. Best practices to combat piracy and counterfeiting
  • Regulatory Affairs Trademark Challenges
  • Q & A

17:30 Q & A Session / Networking

18:00 Closing