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Latest IP Updates & Trends in Latin America and Europe

  • 26 December 2018
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 28 Nov 2018
  • time
    Event starts at: 4:30 pm - Europe/Madrid
  • time
    Event ends at: 5:00 pm - Europe/Madrid
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  • speaker
    Speakers: Jaime Tomillo

Due to the burgeoning increase in international trade between China and LATAM (multiplied 22 times since 2000) as well as the exponential technology-driven IP development in China (topping the world’s patent and trade mark filings in 2016), it is only natural that Chinese businesses take interest in how to protect their intangible assets there.

However, this market attractiveness is also often accompanied by some hustles along the way, such as lack of knowledge, cultural differences and time gap, to name a few.

Hence, at Clarke, Modet & Cº, we want to guide our esteemed Chinese business companions to shed a bit of light and make both sensible and timely business decisions with the first-hand knowledge bestowed by our own offices in key countries such as Brazil, Mexico, or Argentina.


The attendees will gain a general understanding on current practices and IP trends in Latin America, such as PPH, fast-track examination, backlogs, etc. They will gain insights that will help them improve their decision-making process or their clients’.



•  Backlog in major countries
•  Ways around the backlog: PPH, Green Patent, Fast-Track Examination, and Automatic Grant
•  Other IP updates


•  IP outlook in Spain and Portugal decisions)
•  Other IP updates (European Patent, Unitary Patent)

Wednesday, November 28th 2018
CST 4:30 pm (local time in China) Duration: 30 minutes
Check your timezone here

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Latest IP Updates & Trends in Latin America and EuropeLatest IP Updates & Trends in Latin America and Europe