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Latest news related to Intellectual Property. Milestones 2020-2021. Latin America and Europe

  • 11 January 2021
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 2 Feb 2021
  • time
    Event starts at: 4:00 pm - Europe/Madrid
  • time
    Event ends at: 4:30 pm - Europe/Madrid
  • place

    Online. Free webinar.

    09.00 am. (local time Mexico)
    10.00 am. (loca time Colombia and Peru)
    12.00 pm. (local time Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay)
    03.00 pm. (local time Portugal)
    04:00 pm. (local time Spain)

  • speaker
    Speakers: José Miguel Mena , Fernando Gomes , Luis Soriano , Marcos Santiváñez Vieyra , Ricardo Boclin , Diego Acuña

If you want to know the lastest normative milestones related to Intellectual Property that happened in 2020 and those expected to occur in 2021 in Latin America and Europe, don’t miss this webinar organized by ClarkeModet.


Click here to download this document in PDF format.



Click here to download this document in PDF format.



Ricardo Boclin
Technical and Legal Service Manager (ClarkeModet Brazil)


Diego Acuña
Consultant Technical Services (ClarkeModet Chile)


José Miguel Mena
Legal Service Manager (ClarkeModet Mexico)


Luis Soriano
Consultant (ClarkeModet Spain


María Nájera
Legal Services Manager- ClarkeModet Argentina



Fernando Gomes
Corporate International Business Development Director (ClarkeModet Portugal)


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Latest news related to Intellectual Property. Milestones 2020-2021. Latin America and EuropeLatest news related to Intellectual Property. Milestones 2020-2021. Latin America and Europe