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Patent Prosecution in Argentina: criteria for pharma and bio inventions

  • 10 July 0208
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 10 Jul 2018
  • time
    Event starts at: 9:30 am - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
  • time
    Event ends at: 10:00 am - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
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  • speaker
    Speakers: Diego Martín

The prosecution of patent applications in the field of Pharma and Bio in Argentina is subject to some specific particularities of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), which can often be misinterpreted by inventors who wish to protect their inventions belonging to these fields.

Athough during these last years there have been certain signals of flexibility in the INPI´s criteria, currently these types of inventions still have to accomplish specific requirements for their protections that can often not find their correlation in other jurisdictions.

In view of this scenario and throughout this webinar we will review some of the main objections issued by the INPI in the examination of pharmaceutical and biotechnological patent applications. We will also provide a perspective on the trends observed during recent years, and what to expect in the years to come. 


– Patentability criteria in Argentina, with emphasis in pharma and bio applications.

– Law and local practice.

– Recent trends and expectations.


Tuesday, July 10th 2018
CST 09.30 am (local time in Argentina) Duration: 30 minutes
Check your timezone here

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Patent Prosecution in Argentina: criteria for pharma and bio inventions