This workshop will bring together intellectual property specialists, entrepreneurs, researchers and students to discuss relevant topics in the area of intellectual property and licensing, assess the economic impact of different IP strategies, and identify good IP management strategies at the national and institution level in order to minimize conflict of interest between R&D organizations and companies, fostering the commercialization of research in nanotechnology.

The workshop will take place at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.


10:15 – Opening

10:30 – Introducing nanotech@norte Project

10:45 – To patent or not to patent, that is the question (Clarke, Modet & Cº Portugal)

  • IP system in relation to business life-cycle
  • The advantages and disadvantages of patenting
  • Patentable subject matter
  • The relevance of prior art searches
  • When and how to do IP marketing

11:00 – How to do a strong patent protection (Clarke, Modet & Cº Portugal)

  • Patent application draft specifications
  • IP protection systems

11:15 – Technology Transfer Tools (Clarke, Modet & Cº Portugal)

  • To assign, license, spin-off or start-up
  • FTO – Freedom to Operate – General remarks

11:30 – Success Stories

  • RUBYnanomed; Sonae Indústria de Revestimentos; SECIL; TINTEX

12:20 – Open Discussion

12:50 – Closing remarks (INL / CENTI / Clarke, Modet & Cº Portugal)

13:00 – Pizza Networking Lunch