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Software Inventions – what, how and why to Patent?

  • 29 April 2020
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 12 May 2020
  • time
    Event starts at: 3:00 pm - Europe/Lisbon
  • time
    Event ends at: 4:00 pm - Europe/Lisbon
  • place


  • speaker
    Speakers: Diogo Tomaz , Ricardo Abrantes

Software related inventions are often perceived as not patentable.

Although this perception is not at all correct, it is highly understandable due to the high complexity of the Law.

To help in the complexity, there are also today other options to protect Software Inventions, such as Copyright or Trade Secret.

This webinar organized bywill shed some light on this topic and help inventors understand how their software related inventions can be protected and which is the best strategy in each case.

The answers to the following questions will be provided during the webinar:

  • When is software eligible subject matter for patent and which are the requirements in Europe?
  • How are AI-related inventions treated by the law and how can they be protected?
  • What are the other options to protect Software related inventions?
  • Case example of applications filed in front of the EPO


Software Inventions – what, how and why to Patent?

Diogo Tomaz

Software Inventions – what, how and why to Patent?

Ricardo Abrantes

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Software Inventions – what, how and why to Patent?Software Inventions – what, how and why to Patent?