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APAA 2018

  • 17 November 2018
  • Event
  • date
    Event date: 17 Nov 2018
  • time
    Event starts at: All day
  • time
    Event ends at: All day
  • place

    New Delhi, India

  • speaker
    Speakers: Carolina del Rio

APAA 2018

Clarke, Modet & Cº will be attending the Asian Patent Attorneys Association 18th General Assembly and 68th & 69th Council Meeting that will take place in New Delhi (India) from November, 17th to 21st. Our expert onsite will be delighted to meet you and discuss any IP matters of your interest in LATAM countries, Spain and Portugal.

Should you wish to arrange a meeting with our expert, please send them an email suggesting date, time and place.

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APAA 2018APAA 2018