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Good Governance

When carrying out business, the ClarkeModet Group employs best international practices and standards of good governance and ethics defined in its codes of conduct, which are the basis supporting our employees, directors and administrators in order to tackle present and future challenges.

Ethisc code

In 2002 we set out on the path to implement the “Management Rules and Good Governance”.

Today, all the Group’s companies have their own Ethics Code based on the corporate model, which defines the values, commitments and responsibilities we have fostered. Our Corporate Ethics Code.

The principles of our Ethics Code are not only applicable to internal conduct, but also to our relationships with all our groups of interest: clients, suppliers, competitors (“winning the right way”), allies and Public Administration departments.


Code of ethics for suppliers

Download the code of ethics for suppliers below.



Shared ethics standards

Implementation of these ethics standards throughout the Group is carried out through their:


Ethics code


Prevention of Criminal Risks Organisational and Management Model


Internal regulations: policies and procedures


Control and monitoring system

Internal regulations

Prevention of Criminal Risks Organisational and Management Model

The ClarkeModet Group employs zero tolerance concerning the committing of crimes and violations of ethical standards. Each company has a structured, organisational system within which control activities are implemented in order to prevent and detect any kind of activity that violates the Criminal Code, applicable legislation and business ethics.

Prevention of corruption and bribery regulations

ClarkeModet Group strictly forbids any conduct related to corruption, offering or accepting bribes and any other similar action, and consequently basic measures have been established to prevent this type of conduct.

Information and privacy security policies

The security of information is fundamental in all activities undertaken by the ClarkeModet Group, and consequently the necessary security measures have been implemented to guarantee confidentiality, integrity and the availability and privacy of information handled by each of the Group’s companies.

Loyal competition

We have the commitment of operating in a market in accordance with loyal competition and appropriate protection and defence of competition. We foster behaviour focussing on ensuring the market is free from restrictions and disloyal action.

Procurement policies

The ClarkeModet Group emphasises the special importance of managing its suppliers, establishing assessment and monitoring procedures in order to guarantee the quality and confidentiality of the services we provide to our clients. The general principles governing procurement management are: independence, free competition, objective oriented and compliance with ethical standards.

Human Resources Policy

We believe in the personal and professional development of our employees, based on equality, coherence, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for human rights. This is all defined within our occupational hazards prevention system.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We actively support diversity in each of the ClarkeModet Group companies with the clear aim of creating and maintaining an inclusive culture and a policy of equal opportunities in all aspects of employment.

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