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  • 06 June 2016
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Interview with Cristina Gil

Chief Risk Officer at Barceló Hotels & Resorts

Our journey started over 80 years ago in Palma de Mallorca. At that time our activity in the tourism sector was small in comparison with what it is today. We have grown by way of acquiring hotels and tour operators on both a national and international level.

It was from the year 2000 when our expansion accelerated at a breakneck speed. This growth suddenly made it necessary to manage a large portfolio of trademarks and domains and their adequate protection worldwide. We currently have more than 600 trademarks and 1,200 domain names and the challenge implied by monitoring the multiple trademarks and domains outside Spain.

The lack of internal means at our disposal and the need to professionalize our Group’s portfolio of trademarks and domains led us to look for experts who could support and guide us as regards the most appropriate protection strategy.

We chose Clarke, Modet & Co. due to its international experience, especially in Latin America where we have a large part of our business.  


We have had special situations in Mexico where we have needed legal counseling for the correct protection of the Barceló trademark. One recent example of this was when the Barceló trademark was registered in merchandising products.

Since we began our relations in 2011 we can say that Clarke, Modet & Co. has become a partner. All the steps we take as regards Intellectual Property are carried out in conjunction with the company’s team of experts. 

What we most value about our relations with Clarke, Modet & Co. is the technical expertise of the teams, which you share with us; the proximity, which, for us, is a basic element bearing in mind that our central offices are in Palma de Mallorca; as well as the rapid response and professionalism. Moreover, value for money is a fundamental precept in the Barceló Group, and Clarke, Modet & Co. makes it possible for us to fulfill this principle with perfection, resulting in efficiency.

“We chose Clarke, Modet & Co. due to its international experience, especially in Latin America where we have a large part of our business”


Cristina Gil


Barceló Group

Created in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) almost 85 years ago, is one of the leading tourism companies in the Spanish market and one of the most important in the world. With its hotel division and its travel division, the company has over 100 hotels in 18 countries and 685 travel agencies in 22 countries.


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