México CST 10:00 am

Everything you need to know about protecting and commercializing pharmaceutical products in Mexico

Different regulations besides the IP Law in Mexico, must be considered when protecting and commercializing pharmaceutical products, whether they refer to innovator or generic medicaments.

In this second webinar, we will address several relevant topics for Pharmaceutical Companies with interests on trade, import and labelling of products in Mexico, during all IP prosecution and enforcement instances, as well as regulatory matters, such as advertising.


The webinar will be useful for, in-house councels, trademark attorneys and agents focused in the Pharma sector, as well as companies interested in the trade, import and labelling of their pharmaceutical products in Mexico.


Trademark registration in Mexico: • Clearence search • Prosecution • Enforcement

Pharma products Labelling and Advertising


Thursday, June 20th 2017
CST 10.00 am
Duration: 30 minutes
Check your timezone here


Armando Flores 

Attorney at Law and Business Development Manager – Clarke, Modet & Cº México

Armando has a comprehensive expertise in all areas and stages of intellectual property, mainly -but not limited to- Trademarks, Advertising Law and Regulatory Affairs in Mexico. His practice encompasses a full IP services range which includes strategic counselling, clearance and registrability opinion, trademark prosecution (domestic or abroad; National or via Madrid), licensing, assignments, as well as trademark and patent litigation and enforcement. As a former in-house Counsel and now as an Attorney at Law in Clarke, Modet & C° México, Armando has been involved in IP matters for 5 years.