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Chile adheres to the Madrid Protocol for the international registration of Trademarks

  • 02 May 2022
  • New legislation

Last Monday, April 4th, 2022, the Government of the Republic of Chile deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol, becoming one of the 128 countries that are part of the Madrid System, and one of a small group of Latin American countries that They have already implemented it, such as Colombia (2012), Mexico (2013) and more recently, Brazil (2019).

Said Protocol will enter into force for Chile on July 4, 2022. Within this context, it is important to analyze what can be expected with incorporating this System and its implications.

First of all, we must point out that this international trademark registration tool represents considerable savings in time and money for holders in the effective protection of their trademarks by optimizing the current process and the associated costs involved in applying separately. the registration of the trademark in each of the countries in which the interested party requires it.

In addition to the above, whoever applies for an international trademark registration using the Madrid System can do so through a single trademark application, paying a single set of fees in a single currency (Swiss franc), using a single power of attorney (PoA ) and in a single language (which can be English, French or Spanish), with a single registration number and a single renewal date, having access to more than 128 countries around the world, offering the possibility of accessing markets that They account for more than 80 percent of world trade.

At ClarkeModet we have vast experience managing the Madrid Protocol for the different countries that already have this benefit, which allows us to offer a solid strategy, handling, and management of the portfolios of our business partners through this protection figure.

Our legal recommendation is to start now, with the support of our experts, with the design of the strategy for filing, processing, and defending your trademarks through this important system.

If you want to start planning your brand protection through the Madrid Protocol or obtain information on a particular case, do not hesitate to contact us at infomarketing@clarkemodet.com, and our experts will be happy to assist you.

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Chile adheres to the Madrid Protocol for the international registration of TrademarksChile adheres to the Madrid Protocol for the international registration of Trademarks