
For entrepreneur women there is only a handful of countries which offer proper conditions to thrive. Chile is one of them, positioned in the ninth place of the “Global Women Entrepreneur Leaders Scorecard”, which analyzes 31 countries comprising 70% of the world female population. 

The study, commissioned by Dell and elaborated by ACG, classifies countries based on a index composed of 21 indicators which stress the most significant aspects of the institutional and entrepreneurial environment, which in turn are gathered in five categories: Entrepreneurial Environment, Access by gender, Leadership and rights, Entrepreneurial Channels and Entrepreneurial leadership potential. Data are obtained from international studies such as the Global Entrepreneurial Monitor (GEM), the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, the UNESCO, the OIT and others. 


With regard to Chile, the report stresses that its ninth position in the ranking is due to the fact that the “country is seen as an innovation-oriented entrepreneurial environment, with monopolies in some markets, low red carpet and corruption relative to lesser range countries, and favorable conditions for entrepreneurial growth and development. Chilean women enjoy the same legal rights as those of men, and have easy access to education, Internet, bank accounts and SME formation programs. Chile also has one of the highest averages of potential entrepreneurial leaders”. 


Other countries highlighted in the list are:


México (13). Although having high scores for access by gender, leadership and rights, it obtains low scores in the development of potential entrepreneurial leader women, and offers a less favorable business environment in general.


Peru (14). In spite of its good scores for access by gender, leadership and rights, it obtains low scores in the development of potential entrepreneurial leader women, and offers a less favorable business environment in general.


Panama (15). Obtains good scores for access by gender, leadership and rights, but it also obtains low scores in the development of potential entrepreneurial leader women, and offers a less favorable business environment in general.


Brazil (18). Obtains high scores for access by gender, leadership and rights, but it offers a less favorable business environment and gets the lowest score for the development of potential entrepreneurial leader women.


With regard to USA, Ruta Aidis, which conducted Dell’s “Global Women Entrepreneurship Leaders Scorecard”, indicates that “if entrepreneurial women begin to develop their business in the same proportion as those of American men, there could be potentially 15 million new job positions in the next two years”.


However, it also contends that whilst the US is currently placed in an advantageous position with regard to women entrepreneurship, the measurement may consist in a warning. China (15) may rapidly gain ground, since the government is working to connect the entirety of the population to the Internet. Electronic commerce in the Asian country is on the rise, and women comprise a significant percentage of their market”, contends its representative. “If China actually takes into consideration entrepreneurial women, it may overtake some of the most significant countries”, Aidis contends.




• Canada

• Australia

• Sweden

• UK

• France

• Germany

• Poland


• Japan  



Because of its difficult business environment, Nigeria holds the 23rd place, while Japan – which has a strong and stable business environment, but where women do not have an entrepreneurial mentality – holds the 10th place. Conversely, India is in the 29th position, because women face inequality of rights and lack of access to education and the Internet. One place lower in the list is Pakistan, where only 3% of women use a bank account. From the 31 countries, a common problem is that women lack role models in their lives and are less inclined to personally meet other entrepreneurs, a factor which is highly correlated with the probability of a person opening his/her own business, according to the investigation.