By La Tercera

In United States’ opinion, Chile’s main shortfalls are the lack of regulation of patents for pharmaceutical products and internet piracy, among others.

Following the IIPA’s (International Intellectual Property Alliance) recommendations issued in February of this year, Chile once again – for the ninth consecutive year – appeared in the “black list” of countries with low protection for intellectual property, pursuant to the annual report of Section 301 of the United States Office of the Commercial Representative. 


The main issues in which the country is still falling short include a failure to implement an effective system to face the problems for the patenting of pharmaceutical products, as well as a weak protection against internet piracy and piracy of cable and satellite TV signals. Finally, the United States encourages Chile to improve the protection of plant breeders.


Since 2007 Chile has been included in the priority list of countries that – in the opinion of the United States government – do not adequately protect intellectual property, along with 12 other nations. Such other nations are: Algeria, Argentina, China, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine and Venezuela.

