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Clarke, Modet & Cº at the 22nd Annual Fordham Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference held in New York City

  • 23 April 2014
  • Articles

On the 24th and 25th of April, the Fordham University will celebrate its “22nd Annual Fordham Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference”. The event will gather renowned Intellectual Property experts, both from the private and public institutions.

Clarke, Modet & Cº has been invited to participate as speaker in a panel dedicated to Global Patent Developments. On April 24th, Thursday, Ms. Clara Pombo, Vice President of Clarke, Modet & Cº, will analyze the developments of Patent Law in Brazil.

The event programme will feature amongst others, Mr. Antonio Campinos, President of the OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market) and Mr. Francis Gurry, General Director of the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

Clarke, Modet & Cº participates as a speaker.

In the current edition, Mrs. Clara Pombo, Vice President of Clarke, Modet & Cº, will explore the current legal situation related to patents in Brazil covering:

Patent prosecution highlights
“The backlog” & expediting examination
ANVISA and prosecution of pharma & biotech patents
“Mailbox Patents”
Likewise, Mrs. Clara Pombo will provide insights on “green technologies”; what the accepted typologies are, the limited number of applications and the strategies to employ when registering them in Brazil.

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Clarke, Modet & Cº at the 22nd Annual Fordham Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference held in New York CityClarke, Modet & Cº at the 22nd Annual Fordham Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference held in New York City