The Inittia Knowledge and Connection Program proposes a solution aimed at reducing the gap that exists between the idea, development and the market validation of entrepreneurship R+D projects, along with generating mechanisms to absorb Human Capital in Chile. 

Entrepreneurship is not an easy task for those who place their stakes on research and development (R+D) in our country. Obstacles and problems exist from the moment when an idea is conceived until its subsequent implementation and validation in the market. The lack of corporate identification, complications to retain financing mechanisms and commercial validation are the main gaps which exist according to the Inittia Knowledge and Connection Program, an initiative supported by Corfo and Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile, whose goal is to commercially promote the initial ideas of R+D entrepreneurs.

The main goal of this program is based in skipping the gap that exists between the idea, its development and its real validation by the market. For this reason, the program is aimed at entrepreneurs who are in the stage of developing their products or services and who need to generate sales and/or raise capital from investors. The idea is to generate instances and networks for entrepreneurship, and to make Chilean investments with a strong innovation component known in Latin America.