On Monday 23, Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 of November the Congress on Bio-refineries will be held in the city of Concepcion.

The congress is sponsored by Clarke, Modet & Co. Chile, Bioeconomía, Arauco, Rebisa (Resinas del Bío Bío) and FinCEAL+, and organized by Universidad de Concepción, the Biotechnology Center of Universidad de Concepción, the Technological Development Unit of Universidad de Concepción, Universidad de la Frontera, Biogreen, Ibero-American Society for the Development of Bio-refineries (Sociedad Iberoamériana para el Desarrollo de las Biorrefinerías, –Siadeb–), Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development (Programa Iberoaméricano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo –Provalor CYTED) –CYTED Program, Riadicyp and VTT. 

The event includes two congresses and a symposium.

 • 3rd Ibero-American Congress on Bio-refineries

The Ibero-American Congress on Bio-Refineries (Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Biorrefinerías, CIAB) is the main scientific event of the Ibero-American Society for the Development of Bio-refineries (Sociedad Iberoamericana para el Desarrollo de las Biorrefinerías, SIADEB).

4th Latin American Congress on Bio-refineries

Three editions of the Latin American Congress on Bio-refineries have been held so far, all in Chile. The events have consisted in a platform for obtaining information on and discussing the last trends in the development of processes and products related to agricultural, forestry and algal biomass.

2nd International Symposium on Lignocellulosic Materials. 

The 1st International Symposium on Lignocellulosic Materials was held in the year 2013 in Argentina. The program included around 100 presentations ranging from dissertations to posters of prominent researchers from 18 countries of America, Europe and Asia.