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Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile took part in the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day

  • 02 May 2014
  • Articles

Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile in its continued commitment towards a greater pro innovation culture by promoting the right to create, again took part in the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day by sending mini cupcakes disguised as pirates, which were sent both to clients and to opinion leaders.

Santiago, April 28th, 2014. Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile in its continued commitment towards a greater pro innovation culture by promoting the right to create, again took part in the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day by sending mini cupcakes disguised as pirates, which were sent both to clients and to opinion leaders.

And as the message read “Piracy is not a children’s game” and year by year it generates big losses to the economy of countries in which said piracy is developed not only in monetary terms, but also in regard to work places, development of research and which is even more important putting people’s health at risk, particularly in relation to counterfeiting of:, pharmaceutical products, children’s toys, vehicle spare parts, perfumes, cosmetic products, among others.

Since 2002, the World Intellectual Property Organization has taken part in the celebration of the Intellectual Property Day in order to promote innovation and creativity. This initiative seeks to encourage 187 Member States to disclose, inform and perform activities in which the intellectual property is promoted.

For those who are still not convinced of the impact of piracy in Chile and abroad, we would like to point out some statements which undoubtedly will not go unnoticed.

Yearly, Chile losses over US 400 million as a result of piracy in a number of industries. 62% of the software used in Chile is illegal. (data from OECD in 2012)
According to data obtained from the National Anti-piracy Commission (2012), illegal copies generated a parallel market over US 1,000 million and tax evasion of US 160 million due to counterfeit products.
For the eight consecutive year, Chile remains in the Priority Watch List due to the Intellectual Property infringement, according to the recommendation made by the Intellectual Property Alliance of the office of the United States Trade Representative.
Piracy generates serious economic damages to Chile through the loss of work places, tax incomes; research and development disincentive of new products and technologies, foreign investment; among others.
Year by year, there is a piracy that put people’s life at risk: Counterfeiting of: pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, children’s toys, vehicle spare parts and planes, among others.
According to the WHO over 30% of the medicaments sold in certain zones of Asia, Africa and Latin America are illegal, while over 50% of the pharmaceutical products sold on the internet are fake.
A counterfeit toy can be highly dangerous for a boy due to the content comprising paintings or materials with harmful chemical products or small parts when disassembled can be ingested or swallowed by little children.
Pirating specialized school textbooks represents an infringement against school education and the professional formation. A big part of them can lead to serious mistakes.
Piracy promotes organized crime and infringes people’s rights.

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Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile took part in the celebration of the World Intellectual Property DayClarke, Modet & Cº Chile took part in the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day