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Clarke, Modet & Co Chile will speak about intellectual protection to entrepreneurs of STGO Lab Space

  • 29 September 2015
  • Articles

On Thursday, October 1, we will participate in the first seminar on intellectual property and transfer of technology targeted to scientific entrepreneurs

From Clarke, Modet & Co. Chile, we will contribute with the diffusion and understanding of intellectual and industrial property and transfer of technology in the context of entrepreneurship. The presentation will be conducted by Ismael Berguecio, patents attorney, along with Francisco Bavrestello, a mechanical engineer specialized on patents.

We will be expecting you at the audiovisual room of Palacio Falabella, located at Pedro de Valdivia 963, Providencia. This event is organized by Santiago Lab Space, sponsored by the Municipality of Providencia, and supported by CORFO.

Ismael Berguecio, Patents Attorney

Attorney from Universidad Central de Chile, PUC Diploma on Intellectual and Industrial Property, and U. de Chile Diploma on Tax Planning and Management, with more than 7 years of experience in topics associated with Intellectual and Industrial Property.

Francisco Bavestrello, Patent Engineer

Industrial Civil Engineer, MBA (Master in Business Administration) from Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM), bachelor in sciences of engineering (UFTSM) and Execution Engineer on Automotive Mechanics from INACAP. Professional with more than 10 years of work experience in industrial property; specialized in patents for the mechanical field, budget control management, execution management, and results in the operation of technological projects.

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Clarke, Modet & Co Chile will speak about intellectual protection to entrepreneurs of STGO Lab Space