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ClarkeModet, finalist of the VI Expansión Jurídico Awards

  • 27 September 2021
  • Articles

ClarkeModet has been selected by the jury of the VI Expansión Jurídico Awards as a finalist in two of their categories: Best Intellectual Property Firm in Spain and Most Innovative Project.

When nominating us as the best Intellectual Property firm in Spain, the jury evaluated different aspects of our firm: as our international presence or the most relevant IP matters we have managed in the last year. In total, six firms are finalists in this category.

Moreover, ClarkeModet is eligible for the award of the most disruptive project for Idectory, a tool developed jointly by ClarkeModet and our technology ally everis, which the jury has considered as one of the ten most disruptive projects developed in the legal field in 2021.

The creativity and innovation level of this solution, employing artificial intelligence to facilitate the patent search, has been one of the aspects considered by the jury of the Expansión awards when selecting us.

The decision of these awards will be announced on September 30 at a ceremony where they will also be awarded.

From ClarkeModet, we would like to congratulate all our team for this important achievement, a result of the effort and excellence of our professionals.

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ClarkeModet, finalist of the VI Expansión Jurídico AwardsClarkeModet, finalist of the VI Expansión Jurídico Awards