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COVID-19 | Changes announced by Plant Varieties Offices

  • 06 May 2020
  • Articles

Plant Varieties offices around the world are taking different measures to adapt to the situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For this reason, and in order to keep you informed of the most relevant changes in the ten countries of the ClarkeModet Group, we have created an online space where we will daily update all the information related to this topic that is published by these institutions.

However, and for any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us through our usual communication channels, our team of experts is entirely available for you.

Our companies in Europe and Latin America continue to be at your disposal and operate normally in remote working. We have a technological and communications infrastructure that guarantees the continuity of operations for our clients and that keeps our 22 offices connected.

COVID-19 | Changes announced by Plant Varieties Offices

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COVID-19 | Changes announced by Plant Varieties OfficesCOVID-19 | Changes announced by Plant Varieties Offices