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CUBA: New Decree Law

  • 28 September 2018
  • New legislation

Decree Law No. 336 “On Intellectual Property contractual provisions in legal transactions”

The extraordinary Official Gazette No. 40, dated 10 August 2018, published the legislative packet concerning Intellectual Property issues our legal system was lacking.

Decree Law No. 336 “On Intellectual Property contractual provisions in legal transactions”, dated 30 June 2016, effective on 10 October 2018, aims to establish rules related to contractual provisions concerning intellectual property that must be included in legal transactions for acquiring technology and in economic and scientific-technical collaboration agreements, and to identify restrictive contractual provisions that unjustly or abusively prevent, limit or distort industrial and business performance.

Its provisions are applied to legal transactions in which technology is acquired from a foreign party by foreign or national natural persons and legal entities with actual and effective registered offices or industrial or commercial establishments in the Republic of Cuba.

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CUBA: New Decree LawCUBA: New Decree Law