Germany, Australia, Colombia and Mexico are some of the countries that have tried to sell their own version of DUFF BEER, the beer invented for The Simpsons TV show and known as being Homer’s favorite. In turn, Chile also attempted being a part of the business, but faced more piracy than the rest of the countries. In fact, during 2013, the Investigative Brigade of Intellectual Property Crimes (PDI) seized 70 thousand false labels of The Simpsons fantasy brand, and an estimated 22 thousand bottles were allegedly sold.

In response to this, the Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation TV network decided to register the DUFF BEER beer brand in Chile, seeking to expand it to the rest of the world through licenses. In the words of the president of Fox’s consumer department, Jeffrey Godsick: “When you see an excess of piracy, you are faced with two options (…) One is fighting against it and the other is to enter the market with it”.

Meanwhile, the Facebook page “Disfruta una Duff” (Enjoy a Duff), addressed to the Chilean market, already has over 4 thousand followers and this is despite the fact that the product is not even available in the market yet. Its debut will take place during the last week of July, using the slogan “Finally, in the real world”. The beer will be caramel flavored and will be distributed in both cans and bottles. Finally, its promotion will not include the animated Simpsons characters, but will be identified with the series’ original logo. For more information, please visit: