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Green Patents Project Phase III accepts applications of PCT patents in National phase in Brazil

  • 09 May 2014
  • Articles

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office’s Green Patents Project (GPP) reaches its third phase, which accepts applications of PCT patents in National phase in Brazil.

In the first two phases, only National applications or Paris Convention applications were accepted.

In order to entry into the Green Patent Project the application must respect some requirements, which are the same since the beginning of the program on April, 17th, 2012. We remind that the plan accepts up to 500 applications per year. The requirements to entry are listed in the table below.

We have to emphasize that in phases I and II the limit of 500 GPP applications was not reached, only about 230 patent applications were applied in phases I & II. About 9 applications have been rejected by the GPP examiner because it did not respect the project requirements. Brazilian universities and research institutes are the major applicants of green technologies.

In the initial phases, Clarke, Modet & C° Brazil filed 5 applications on GPP, 4 of those applications have been granted in an average time of 300 days of prosecution. The last one is being analyzed by BPTO’s to be sure that it fulfills the entry conditions.
We do believe that because of the possibility of entrance of the green technologies via PCT, the limit of 500 applications will be reached in the third phase of the project.

Therefore, all inventors or assignees of PCT applications related to green technologies, Brazilians or foreigners, interested in more information about GPP can contact one of our experts.

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Green Patents Project Phase III accepts applications of PCT patents in National phase in BrazilGreen Patents Project Phase III accepts applications of PCT patents in National phase in Brazil