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Important reasons for keeping the information in the WHOIS up to date

  • 25 February 2013
  • Articles

The Whois Data Reminder Policy (WDRP) was adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the international body responsible for managing and administering domain names, in 2003.
The Whois Data Reminder Policy was adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ( ICANN), the international body responsible for managing and administering domain names, in 2003.

The Whois of a domain contains the following pieces of information, among others:

• Details of the owner: name or company name of the domain owner

• Administrative contact: the company that owns the domain must designate a legal representative. With regard to the notice email address, we recommend you create a generic email that is not associated with a specific addressee so that messages are received by several people

• Technical contact: this is the person responsible for making changes and adapting the domain from a technical standpoint. We advise you appoint and provide details of a responsible person in the domain holder’s IT department (parent or subsidiary).

The aforementioned WDRP policy requires domain name registrars to formally remind their customers once a year to review and update their contact information by email to ensure that this is correct.

Owners of domain names should know how important it is to keep the information registered in the domain Whois current.

If disputes arise because a website infringes contents and/or causes damage and/or infringes third party rights, the owner of the domain can be traced through Whois and appropriate measures can be taken to withdraw the offending contents.

It is also important that you inform your registrar of any internal changes to your organisation, for example to the company name, administrative and/or contact persons, so that these details can be updated. Otherwise, if ICANN carries out an inspection and finds that the information is not correct, it may cancel your domain name.

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Important reasons for keeping the information in the WHOIS up to dateImportant reasons for keeping the information in the WHOIS up to date