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Madrid Protocolo in México

  • 24 April 2012
  • Articles

On April 25, 2012, the Senate approved the accession of Mexico to the Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks.
The next step is the publication in Mexico by the President, then the submission at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for publication and afterwards it could take legal effects.

Taking into account the next change of Mexican president on December 1st, 2012, it is very probably that the current president publishes the accession to the Madrid Protocol before mentioned date.

When the Protocol takes effects in Mexico, the companies domiciled, or which has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in Mexico, will be able to protect their trademarks according to the provisions of the Protocol, as well as the specific rules that are stated in Mexico for implementing it.

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Madrid Protocolo in MéxicoMadrid Protocolo in México