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Modernization of the Patent and Trademark Office in Uruguay

  • 23 November 2016
  • Articles

Within the framework of modernization that is taking place at the DNPI (Dirección Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial – Industrial Property Office) in Uruguay, as of this October IP agents have the option (and soon it will be compulsory) to submit all trademarks and patents proceedings ONLINE, with the exception of evidence that cannot be submitted in electronic format; hence in the latter case these elements must be physically submitted in paper form. This will collaborate with the sustainability of the environment and further will facilitate the task of the agents, who will not have to submit each brief in person.

Likewise, the incorporation of Uruguay to the PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) is under consideration at the Parliament; the adoption of said act will open doors in terms of the possibility of signing free trade agreements with the European Community and the US.

Finally, with the coming into effect of the PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway), applicants that meet the requirement criteria may assert said benefit so that their applications may be granted more quickly than with common proceedings.

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Modernization of the Patent and Trademark Office in UruguayModernization of the Patent and Trademark Office in Uruguay