Free Webinar. Wednesday July, 1st.

Countries of Latin America have a common language, similar culture but in Intellectual Property issues, they are completely different, especially when talking about “categories” of trademarks recognized by LA countries. What is considered a protectable “nontraditional” mark in one jurisdiction may not be granted any protection in another. In this scenario, Clarke, Modet & Cº will help you to find the most suitable strategy to obtain strong protection for a wide range of trademarks.

Benefits of Attending: Key steps to create a protection strategy in the region: what constitutes a trademark may differ from one jurisdiction to another.

  • Defensive or Offensive strategy in terms of protection?
  • What are the main types of nontraditional trademarks recognized in the region? 


Who should attend to this Webinar? Companies and individuals with interests in Latin American and Central American countries.


About the Speakers

Carolina del Río

Lawyer from Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. With more than 20 years of experience in issues related to Intellectual Property. Specialist in Advising in matters related to counterfeit, unfair competition, trademark, copyright and patents. Speaker in intellectual property and innovation seminars in China, Spain, USA and Chile. 


María Mercedes Londoño

Lawyer from Externado de Colombia University with specialization in Intellectual Property, Copyright and New Technologies, with more than 8 years of experience in Intellectual Property. Moreover, she is candidate for obtaining a magister (LLM) in Economic and International Law from Chile University.