We would like to take this opportunity to inform of recent regulations issued by the Colombian TM on applications of non-traditional trademarks (Three-dimensional trademarks, color trademarks, touch trademarks, sound trademarks and trademarks that claim a color as a distinctive characteristic.)

Three-dimensional trademarks:
In applications for this type of trademark, its representation must consist of a graphical or photographical two-dimensional reproduction. It should be submitted in a JPG format with a maximum size of 450 x 450 pixels and a maximum of 2 MB.

If the reproduction does not meet those initial characteristics, the applicant will have to files up to six different views and a written description of the applied for trademark.

Sound trademarks:
The graphical representation of these types of applications must come in a description of the sign through pentagram, phonogram or any other means that allows its identification. It must also be submitted along with an audio file in MP3 format with a quality of 192Kbps.

Color trademarks:
When applying for a color trademark, its graphical representation must be done through a precise pictorial representation of the color outlined by a figure.

For the color description the applicant may include an internationally recognized color identification codes.

The applicant must submit a JPG representation of the trademark with the claimed color, in a maximum size of 450×450 pixels and 2MB. No signs, references or indications to the color names will be accepted in the graphical reproduction.

Touch trademarks:
In order to meet the graphical representation requirements for applications of touch trademarks, the applicant must file the following:

– A complete and precise description of the texture that makes up the sign.
– A three-dimensional drawing or photograph of the sign in JPG format with a maximum size of 450×450 pixels and 2MB.
– A physical sample of the claimed texture. If the application is filed online, the sample must be submitted afterwards as complementary information.

Trademarks that claim a color as a distinctive characteristic:
If the applicant wishes to claim a color as a distinctive characteristic of the applied for trademark, it must be stated within the application along with the color/s name/s and their placement on the sign.

The color can be described through international color identification codes that allow its subsequent verification and to the applied for sign.

The applicant must also submit a color reproduction of the trademark in JPG format with a maximum size of 450×450 pixels and 2MB. No signs, references or indications to the color names will be accepted in the graphical reproduction.

We hope this information has been of use and also that you might take it under careful consideration. If you would like further information on this matter or require assistance in any case that involves them, do not hesitate to contact us. We are ready to assist you as you require.