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Official accession of Mexico to the Hague Agreement

  • 05 June 2020
  • New legislation

Tomorrow, June 6th, becomes official the Mexico’s accession to the Hague Agreement regarding the international registration of industrial designs, the Geneva Act (1999).

Thanks to our global presence, in ClarkeModet we have the extensive experience of processing this protection, and gratefully, had built best practices with our clients for more than 50 years thanks to this procedure.

This addition offers a new option to request the protection of industrial design, from a single application with the possibility of designate it to the 73 contracting parties that cover 90 countries.

One of the advantages of this international figure is that the applicant will not need to file an independent application in each country in which is interested to protect its designs, avoiding inherent complications in the process, such as:

  • translation of the application into other languages
  • currency conversion,
  • comply with specific representation requirement
  • administration of several deadlines renewals
  • the registration of different legal acts, which could vary from one State to another.

Other advantage is that the expenses are reduced (translation, change of name or address of the owner) , as well as processing time, since normally there is a period of 6 to 12 months to deny protection in the designated countries. Note that in some countries the processing of an application, in the traditional way, can take several years.

About world trade, the contracting parties to the Hague system represent around 70% of the world’s foreign trade. More additions are expected in the coming years, which makes this system an instrument to strengthen a policy of insertion in world trade.

Mexico’s accession to the Hague Agreement represents a great economic benefit for holders and applicants of industrial designs. It also contributes to the commercial activities expansion, as it growth the market and encourages the mexican products export, guaranteeing fair remuneration. Some of the main Mexico’s trading partners, such as the United States of America, Canada, the European Union, Japan and Korea are Contracting Parties.

Therefore, this adhesion enhace the benefits to the mexican products that seek to incorporate to foreign markets and, attracts the import of new products to Mexico, by facilitating the legal protection of the designs.

Count on the experience and support of our experts to learn about the process.

If you would like to schedule a free consultation to register your designs using this figure, please request it to infomarketing@clarkemodet.com.

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Official accession of Mexico to the Hague AgreementOfficial accession of Mexico to the Hague Agreement