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Online Industrial Design Filing

  • 30 May 2013
  • Articles

The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), has implemented a new online industrial design filing system, named “Online Industrial Design”, available to the public from November 5, 2012, through the website www.impi.gob.mx.
The new system allows that process for filling, payment and submission of an industrial design application is carried out via internet, being an alternative option to the usual procedure performed in the offices of the Institute.

For submission an industrial design through this system, the user should be registered or must be registered on the Portal of Electronic Services and Payments (PASE) of IMPI, must have in force the Advanced Electronic Signature (FIEL) issued by the SAT, and must attach and send GIF images and PDF documents.

The objects of this system are reducing of corrections or amendments, lowering thereby the users’ costs for replying to formal requirements; and avoiding incomplete application filing due to missing a certain document, or for underpayment, reducing thus the number of formal requirements.

This system is expected to achieve its objects and to include, in a near future the entire procedure to obtain the Industrial Design Register; and in conjunction with the online trademark filing system and other actions already taken by the IMPI, efficiently expedites the steps taken by IP users before this Mexican Institute.

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Online Industrial Design FilingOnline Industrial Design Filing