Since June 30, 2017, INDECOPI’s Electronic Gazette is in force​

The implementation of this digital tool has changed the registration proceedings for trademarks, inventions and other Industrial Property elements in the following ways:

  • INDECOPI, the competent authority, and not the applicant is responsible of the electronic publication
  • The electronic publication is costless and it is made daily at INDECOPI’s web page.  When errors occur, the applicant shall request the amendment within the term to file opposition, i. e., 30 working days for trademarks and 60 working days for inventions.This will lead to a reduction of the final costs
  • It is estimated that smooth trademark applications will conclude in a more agile manner and within a term of 45 working days instead of 180 working days

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need futher information