Latin America is undergoing important economic and political changes. This has an effect in the Protection of IP Rights. During the seminar, we will address the most common problems patent owners have to face and provide recommendations on strategies and best practices for a smoother and cost efficient prosecution including information regarding Linkage system and challenges between the Health Authorities and Patent Authorities.

This webinar is aimed at patent professionals across pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical sectors as well as patent professionals that are Counsels of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies.


Pharmaceutical Patents in Latin America. Key Challenges and Recommended Strategies: 

• PROSUR: New Guidelines and Recent Change in Examiner´s Practice Brazil: Current Developments regarding ANVISA. Recommended strategy.

• Mexico: Linkeage System

• Recent developments and what to expect in 2017

• The Andean community

If you wish to join one of our sessions, please register below:

SESSION 1 @ CET 9:00 am

SESSION 2 @ CET 4:00 pm

SESSION 3 @ BRST 3:00 pm

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