By National Institute of Intellectual Property (Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual or Inapi)

This report, No. 46 on “Public Domain Technologies”, is aimed at providing information on technologies which, given their legal condition, may be freely used in Chile with productive purposes. 

As is customary with these reports, the document has been structured in three parts:

The first part seeks to show the example of a selected group of six patents which, although effective in other countries, in Chile are in the public domain, since their registration has not been requested in the country or because their validity term has expired. This selection offers technologies associated to the production of healthy foods, highlighting its significant amount of small and medium scale productive units and a high potential for growth. Pursuant to the foregoing, invention patents that are primarily of slight complexity (and therefore, at reasonable costs) have been privileged, making them potentially accessible to the aforementioned type of productive units.

The second part refers to a sample of six patents selected between a total of fifty-six which were submitted before the INAPI, and which expired during the month of February 2015, which – due to the characteristics of their respective technologies and the productive sectors to which they are associated – can be of interest to our country’s entrepreneurs and companies in areas such as the mining industry, metallurgy, plastic and furniture, among others.

Finally, the third part includes a list of all the patents for the specified period, providing the most relevant background information for each of them.

We kindly invite you to review the information that we provide in this report.

National Institute of Intellectual Property (Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual or Inapi)