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Silvana López, new General Manager in Peru

  • 29 September 2020
  • Articles

ClarkeModet has appointed Silvana López as its new General Manager in Peru. López is a renowned Intellectual Property attorney and an expert in Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence technologies. She is also a graduate of MIT, one of the most influential technological communities worldwide.

Silvana López, new General Manager in PeruInnovation and Intellectual Property management represents a massive challenge for businesses in Peru and around the world. To successfully handle such challenge, our company is putting its support behind those technologies that help clients make decisions and allow them to maximize returns on their intangible assets.

The new CEO of ClarkeModet Peru has confirmed that here primary goal is “to support industries and entities in order to recover from the current situation and grow through their intangible assets. We will do this by supporting growth and leadership in the country’s field of innovation and technology, using all the resources that ClarkeModet has to offer as a diverse company and as a result of our track record.”

López adds that “the global pandemic has brought the future to us sooner than was anticipated and adapting to the new reality through science and technology has become the best way to assure continuity of our society.”

According to the 2020 Global Innovation Index, Peru ranks ninth in innovation among Latin American countries. “The nation is investing heavily in innovation from both the public and private sectors. So we now have this tremendous opportunity for organizations to strengthen the strategic management of the intellectual property they create. However, to do so it is necessary to know how to identify and appropriately manage these assets and recognize that they are an essential part of any business strategy,” she assures.

Silvana López holds a law degree from the University of Los Andes and an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She has over 15 years of experience in innovation, many of which have been spent working in the Intellectual Property field. She was also co-founder of a number of digital platforms based on Blockchain, AI, and augmented reality.About ClarkeModet Peru

ClarkeModet Peru is one of ten companies belonging to ClarkeModet, which is the largest Intellectual Property group in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries. Since 2002, the company has been operating in the country through its Lima office with a multidisciplinary team of Intellectual Property experts who rely on the support of the large international ClarkeModet network. The group itself has a history dating back over 140 years.

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Silvana López, new General Manager in PeruSilvana López, new General Manager in Peru