Because of the entry into force of the Law for Promoting the use of Patent Information and in a joint effort of three sectors of government linked to the tasks of innovation, such as the Ministry of Production, the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property -Indecopi- and the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation -Concytec- dated March 20, 2016, was published in the Bulletin of Legal Standards official gazette – El Peruano, a Supreme Decree regulates this important body of law, which aims to promote exchange and access to information technology as the main tool for generating innovation and entrepreneurship associated, and encourage technology transfer in the country.

This regulation stablished that the Administration of Inventions and New Technologies of Indecopi will be in charge of the implementation, updating and sustainability of the database of patent information included in the national registration, no matter if they are nationals, residents or foreigners, as well as their use.

It also defines the information or bibliographic data, the status of files in the process, technical sectors according to international patent classification -CIP- and a summary of the content of the patent, may be consulted through Indecopi and free Web portal.

It is important to note that through this regulation a new platform must be implemented for the generation of a network of users of the patent system. Additionally, this rule establishes the need and timing for issuing quarterly specific technology newsletters or bulletin, in order to provide valuable information for innovation and entrepreneurship in researchers and technology-based businesses or R + d + I areas, whose interest in generating new services and products for their sectors is oriented to the higher value and effective protection of their intellectual assets.

You can learn more about this policy at the following link: