A few days ago the SPTO (Spanish Trademark and Patent Office) published the 2015 activities report, including the first definitive data regarding Intellectual Property indicators.

It contributes little to the data that we have published over recent weeks, apart from confirming the tendencies already mentioned and providing the definitive data:

Spain and IP: definitive indicators from 2015 and first data from 2016

Perhaps what is most interesting, due to their novelty, are the first data regarding the first quarter of 2016 (*). Unfortunately, it does not give us the change of tendency we had expected, especially as regards patents and utility models data. These have demonstrated such bad behavior over the last few years; their recovery will also be a symptom of the improvement of the very competitiveness of our economy in this area.

It is, however, of interest to indicate the two “anomalies” reflected by the data regarding international and brand designs in the European Union, which are showing a spectacular increase, 50% and 38% respectively. This is possibly the result of the growing interest in international design after the incorporation of the United States and Japan into the Hague System and the changes to the European Union Trademark (formerly the Community Trademark) when the new regulations came into force on 23 March last.

Spain and IP: definitive indicators from 2015 and first data from 2016

None of these indicators would be especially relevant if we did not know that they have a direct relationship bearing on other indexes that are essential for the country, especially those related to competitiveness.

(*) The most recent information from the EUIPO was only updated on 29 February 2016 and that from the PCT on 31 January 2016.