We aim to provide a general perspective of the examination criteria for the electronic and mechanical inventions in Mexico & Brazil. We will focus in those technologies related to software, medical devicesand designs, as well as some strategies to avoid claiming non-statutory subject-matter, thus obtaining an strategic, integral protection.



  • Overview and highlights of prosecution procedures in Mexico and Brazil.
  • Current examination criteria in both jurisdictions and scenarios leading to accelerated granting. * Non-Statutory Subject-Matter: Spotlighting software and medical devices technologies.
  • Granting Average Time complying with local legal provisions and our recommendation for reducing the number of office actions.
  • Strategy for speeding up prosecution: PPH Agreements, Voluntary Claim Amendments and our recommended local practice.
  • Strategy for overcoming technical requirementsRecommended claim drafting, how to highlight inventive step of core technologies & their multiple embodiments.


Tania López
Global Account Manager | Clarke, Modet & Cº México

Tania Lopez is a Biochemical Engineer holding a MSc in Biotechnological Sciences by the Northwestern Center of Biological Research in Mexico. She has been involved in several R&D projects with an emphasis in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Tania obtained her MSc in 2010 the same year that she joined Clarke Modet & Co., where she has served as Technical Consultant in the Technology Intelligence Unit, Patent and International Business Development Departments.