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Talking with Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile: Innovation as recipe for gastronomic success

  • 14 November 2016
  • Articles

Gastronomy in Chile is experiencing a moment of overflowing creativity. Especially among the new generations of entrepreneurs who with originality seek to project their stamp and identity beyond the borders.

Protecting the gastronomy with the Intellectual Property Law.

Talking with Clarke, Modet & C° Chile, on Thursday, November 3rd, our General Manager in Chile, Carolina del Río and the Prosecution Manager, Cecilia Belmar, welcomed a select group of national gastronomy talents with the aim of exchanging questions and experiences related to this topic.

In a relaxed atmosphere, enlivened with the fine snacks of Club El Golf 50, Carolina and Cecilia shared the best recipes of Intellectual Property to protect and generate wealth from the innovative talent put at the service of a prosperous gastronomy.

In an interactive and practical class on the importance of knowing the different ways to protect the intellectual creation, protecting the immense value of the own ideas, had a significant impact on the entrepreneurs, in general, mainly concerned to create and to carry out its quality products.

Asking and telling experiences related to these topics was the tonic of a conversation that continued without pause for almost two hours. It would be difficult to deliver more timely knowledge to better-qualified guests and willing to follow the path of opportunities outlined in the last Talking with Clarke, Modet & C ° Chile.
Talking with Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile: Innovation as recipe for gastronomic success

Sebastián Gatica

Owner of Carnes La Manada. COLAB Director, Laboratory of Social Innovation at the Catholic University of Chile. Ambassador for Latin America the Social Innovation Exchange.

Alvaro Romero

Chef and creator of Mercado Mastica, one of the main gastronomic events of Santiago, recognized as a fair that stands out for its innovative format.

Ximena Sepúlveda

Creator and owner of the brand Sabor con Sentido, healthy products based on herbs, spices and condiments in tubes and gourmet laboratories. Member of the Chilean chapter on Culinary Herbs and Spices.

Belén Newman

Creator and owner of Barra Chocolate, a chocolate factory based on cocoa from different Latin American territories. Elaborated with techniques of manual production and organic species. Bundled in creative designs and formats.

José Antonio Menares

Chef and creator of gastronomic concepts. With his talent he has directed the kitchen in the best restaurants of Santiago. The owners of the licenses of Gastón Acurio and Armani in Chile, they noticed in him and sent it to Italy to “infect” with the philosophy of Caffé Armani.

Jerome Reynes

Successful French businessman based in Chile. Owner of nine restaurants and prolific creator of widely recognized gastronomic concepts.

Javiera Gutiérrez / Juan Pablo Ramírez

Founding members of Munani Snacks. Pioneers in creating products based on seaweed, developed in collaboration with local groups of collectors and algueros of Chile.

They have received support and recognition from ProChile, CORFO, PUC, Incuba UC and organizations related to innovation.

Valentina Ureta

Founder and owner of Aztlan sweets. She produces energy bars and snacks in different formats, based on seeds and nuts.

Diego Taggart

Amateur kitchen engineer and hummus addict who decided to launch his own venture experimenting with innovative recipes of hummus. Its brand, Babar Gourmet Dips is in the expansion stage.

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Talking with Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile: Innovation as recipe for gastronomic success