By El Mercurio

The power of the masses is such that many times companies may be forced to back down from their decisions. 

“Our look is evolving along with our clients “, commented Verizon Wireless, the largest mobile provider of the United States in its Twitter account. The foregoing, with the purpose of revealing its new logo last week, which received an overwhelming negative response from the public throughout social networks. 

However, this is not the only case in which this has happened. Every day hundreds of thousands of companies are constantly renewing themselves. However, the decisions that they take and the changes they perform are not always well received by consumers. This is how companies that have been in the market for as long as 50 years have had to agree to submit themselves to the will of the masses.  

Such is the case of Gap, for instance. The giant American textile firm launched its new image during October of year 2010. However, the response from consumers was so negative, that the brand decided to return to its original design.

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