Talking with Mr. Manuel Figueroa 

“The creative industry will in the short term a roadmap at the country level with clear mechanisms of support, training and public funds to identify opportunities to patent and license products, processes and designs,” said Figueroa in our meeting “Talking with Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile “.

Santiago, August 22nd, 2016: How big is the Chilean creative industry? Is there any interest in patenting and licensing local designs and creative processes? How can bring this sector to the economy, employment and GDP? To find the answers, we invite the Head of the Design of the National Council of Culture, Mr. Manuel Figueroa.

This is how our third internal communication meeting started. Soon interesting facts came out from the conversation: first, Figueroa said that “the creative industry in Chile is starting to show; It is an activity that we are measuring and already contributes 1.6% of GDP, through the emerging Orange Economy. As an example in the area of innovation has been the significant increase shown by the local software industry which places our country among the top ten Latin American exporter of video games. “

To support this still emerging but promising engine of the economy, the Ministries of Economy and Culture have in mind to establish a National Design Policy. That is, the creative industry in the short term will have a roadmap with clear country-level support mechanisms, training and public funds to identify opportunities to patent and license products, processes and designs.

The forceful exposure and common vision with our guest brings us up a multiple challenges horizon together with social actors that converge in this task. Undoubtedly, training and walking together with the creative talent and strengthening the Intellectual Property in the local design, is a path that everyone in Clarke, Modet & Cº Chile is excited to go.


Design Coordinator, which is part of the Artistic Area Unit Department of Development and Creative Industries of the National Council for Culture and the Arts. Chile’s Goverment
Designer of Diego Portales University (UDP)
Diploma in Digital Typography at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Diploma in Public Policy at the Catholic University
Diploma in Politics and Government (UDP)
Student Program Master in Politics and Government Universidad Diego Portales
Line evaluator Public Innovation of Avonni awards (National Innovation Award)
Evaluator projects Line Innovation Research and Development Directorate FAU, Universidad de Chile
Ambassador of Latino Design, University of Palermo. Argentina
Associate Professor at the Universidad Diego Portales
Teaching Magister in Management of Design and Innovation. Universidad Mayor
He served in various design studios including: Study of Javier Mariscal (Spain). Ensemble Studio Pozo and Marcic (Chile). Thesis study Dg (Chile). WeHateDesign study. With this latest brand office his works were published in the book Basic Logos (Editorial Index Book. Spain)
Book contributor Tipográfica Education. An introduction to typography teacher Francisco Galvez. Chilean edition, and Edition Argentina
Book Editor Monograph “Oscar Rios. This is not a pipe. It is design. ” UDP editions.
Coordinator of the first Biennial of Latin Types in Chile
He has made several speeches in Chile and abroad as Bio Bio University, Catholic University of Temuco, Pacific University, Inacap, DuocUC, Master in Creative Economy Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid-Spain), among others.