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Update of the first official data regarding Intellectual Property statistics in Spain at the end of 2015

  • 03 February 2016
  • Articles

After the estimation we issued on 17 November 2015 (1) regarding the closure of the main Industrial Property modes in Spain and those presented by Spanish nationals before international bodies like the OHIM (soon to be EUIPO “European Union Intellectual Property Office”) and the WIPO, the first provisional data we became aware of and published on 14 January 2015, unfortunately led us to foresee a trend which was not very positive for these goals, in line with those that we had presented at that time.

The week before we learned the first data of the Community Trademark (soon to be known as the European Union Trademark) and Community Design, which continue to confirm the overall non-positive trend that we indicated at the time:

However, in order to close this advanced publication indicator cycle which, in our opinion, adequately reflects the current situation of Spain with regards to Industrial Property, we must still wait for the adjusted data of the SPTO and those of the PCT patent applications which we hope will be published in March . We give you our estimation for the end of 2015 as indicated in the following table, dangerously showing half of the boxes in the red.

None of these indicators would be especially relevant if we did not know that they have a direct bearing on other indexes that are essential for the country, especially those related to competitiveness. Given all the above, during the next few weeks we shall carry out a special follow-up of any data which may emerge and include certain analyses that we believe to be of interest.

(2) From these already published data we can reach interesting conclusions regarding trends that we shall publish in short. However, care must be taken when reaching conclusions regarding closures, especially as regards certain autonomous communities, given the adjustment of its results that the SPTO usually carries out is in March, after which they are made definitive.

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Update of the first official data regarding Intellectual Property statistics in Spain at the end of 2015Update of the first official data regarding Intellectual Property statistics in Spain at the end of 2015