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Webinar: The top 10 developments in IP that stood out in 2015 and will do so in 2016

  • 22 March 2016
  • Articles

This was the subject dealt with in the webinar organized by Clarke, Modet & Cº Spain last Wednesday, 16 March, in order to make public the ranking of the 10 main IP novelties. This ranking was, by the way, established in accordance with the votes and suggestions for themes that we have received from many of our clients.

The object of this webinar, basically directed at companies of any type and sector, was to review the main developments that took place in 2015 and in 2016 to date, such as, for example, the coming into force this week of the new legislation regarding the Community Trademark, to be known, in the future as the European Union Trademark.

Some of the subjects that sparked the most interest among the attendees were the change of the name of the administrative office, the amount of the new fees or the reclassification of the trademarks products and services, given that these are imminent changes that will come into force on the 23 March.

As for the main developments regarding patents, the new Spanish patent regulation was discussed, we updated the most recent information on the Unitary patent treaty and comments were made regarding the new deadlines to be taken into account after the Patent Law Treaty (PLT) comes into force in Spain, without forgetting matters outside our frontiers, such as the incorporation of Morocco and Moldavia as new countries in which the European Patent can be validated.

Amongst the top ten were designs, where the recent adhesion of the U.S. and Japan to the Hague system for International Registration, as well as domains (especially those of a high generic level) and the draft European Know-how Directive (trade secrets), of great interest for many of our attendees.

We would like to thank you for the great reception given to this webinar and assure that we shall continue to keep you up-to-date on any new developments in IP which may take place in the future.

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