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Cecilia Belmar

Cecilia Belmar

IP Senior Consultant
Over 20 years of professional experience in IP management and administration with specialization in patents and inventions and a constant involvement in international seminars and business negotiations.


Degree in Law and Social Sciences issued by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Diploma in Invention Patents, a course offered by the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad de Santiago. Enrolled in the post-graduate program “Economics and Financa for Attorneys” offered by the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Writer of the thesis entitled: “Concordancia entre las disposiciones en materia de Propiedad Intelectual en Chile, en relación con las disposiciones del acuerdo ADPIC (TRIPS)”, presented and approved with distinction in September 1997. Diploma on Pharmaceutical Product, Cosmetic Product, and Medical Device Regulatory Affairs issued in the year 2017 by the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Universidad de Chile Magister In Business Administration – MBA issued in the year 2007 by the Faculty de Economics and Administrative Sciences, Universidad de Chile.

Expertise areas

Cecilia Belmar

Cecilia Belmar

IP Senior Consultant
Over 20 years of professional experience in IP management and administration with specialization in patents and inventions and a constant involvement in international seminars and business negotiations.


Degree in Law and Social Sciences issued by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Diploma in Invention Patents, a course offered by the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad de Santiago. Enrolled in the post-graduate program “Economics and Financa for Attorneys” offered by the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Universidad de Chile. Writer of the thesis entitled: “Concordancia entre las disposiciones en materia de Propiedad Intelectual en Chile, en relación con las disposiciones del acuerdo ADPIC (TRIPS)”, presented and approved with distinction in September 1997. Diploma on Pharmaceutical Product, Cosmetic Product, and Medical Device Regulatory Affairs issued in the year 2017 by the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Universidad de Chile Magister In Business Administration – MBA issued in the year 2007 by the Faculty de Economics and Administrative Sciences, Universidad de Chile.

Expertise areas

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Cecilia BelmarCecilia Belmar