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Samuel Fonseca

Samuel Fonseca

Patent Specialist
Professional experience of 3 years in the area of Industrial and Intellectual Property. As the Management of the patent sector, he carried out the following activities: Restructuring of internal procedures, Priority searches, Patent Writing, Compliance with Requirements (6.1), Manifestation on Technical Opinion (7.1), Resources (9.2), patent procedural monitoring, attendance to clients, portfolio management. Also as a Technological Innovation Analyst, he carried out previous searches, Assistance to inventors; conducting lectures, courses and workshops in search of previous experience; preparation of documentation for petitions at the INPI; monitoring of processes; maintenance of the sector\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s physical and virtual files; administrative routines related to the area of innovation and intellectual property.


Mestrado em Engenharia de Materiais pelo CEFET-MG.

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Samuel FonsecaSamuel Fonseca