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Sandra E. Rodríguez

Sandra E. Rodríguez

Patent Specialist
Professional experience of more than 32 years in the field of technological intelligence and surveillance and Industrial and Intellectual Property. She is specialized in conducting State of the Art searches for patentability, infringement and Freedom to Operate (FTO) reports, Technology Alerts, Technology Watch Bulletins, Technology Intelligence reports on Technology Foresight, and Project Portfolio Assessment, Technology Maps, and Technology Valorization reports. Sectors of activity: renewable energies, environment, biotechnology, nanotechnology, materials, food, software, and hardware Artificial Intelligence. Intense teaching work, participating in master and in-house courses with clients.


Degree in Computer Engineering from Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) in Caracas (Venezuela) Master’s degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) in Caracas (Venezuela) Specialisation in Integrated Marketing Management from Metropolitana University, Caracas Master in Big Data & Analytics by EAE Business School of Madrid (Spain).

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Sandra E. RodríguezSandra E. Rodríguez