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USMCA and the new IP federal law in Mexico

  • 02 July 2020
  • Webinars
  • date
    Event date: 16 Jul 2020
  • time
    Event starts at: 9:00 am - America/Mexico_City
  • time
    Event ends at: 9:30 am - America/Mexico_City
  • place


  • speaker
    Speakers: Nahanny Canal

The international trade between Mexico, United States of America and Cánada (USMCA) has enter to forcé the past july 1st 2020. For its implementation in Mexico,  the  Senators and Deputies have worked in the new IP federal law. In this webinar we will discuss the major changes in the new IP federal law and analyze the principal benefits that this changes to the law has brought.

Which are the new provisions in the IP federal law regarding to patent and distinctive signs?

Which obligations related to pharmaceuticals products in the USMCA will remain pending for the transition periods?


– The new patent provisions in the IP Mexican law.

– The new provitions regarding distinctive signs in the new IP Mexican law.

– The obligations related to pharmaceutical products in the USMCA that will remain pending for it implementation and the transition period that will affect.


Fernando Portugal Pescador, IP Director at AMIIF

Nahanny Canal, Prosecution Manager ClarkeModet México

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USMCA and the new IP federal law in MexicoUSMCA and the new IP federal law in Mexico